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How to increase Traffic using facebook page

Increase Facebook Likes to drive traffic on site - TutoKing

As you know that social media plays the important roles for getting more engagement with our readers and visitors. Social media’s like Facebook and twitter have billions of user per day, if we have the brand page of our business then it’ll give the amazing result for getting traffic on our site. Social media is work like advertising medium. So it’s important you to do have your website brand page on Facebook so let’s start to know about Facebook marketing. 
Getting likes on facebook page here we sharing is awesome but also you can check here 'Facebook Profit Formula' to earn money. 
So be your sit and popcorn and read it carefully to know each and every topic has been given in that article.

â–º Know about Facebook.

First think to use any equipment or tool you should make sure to know about that tool to operate it successfully and here Facebook is the tool that will give you lots of traffic and engagement. So before using the Facebook feature know all about that.
So Facebook is the medium to connect with world and make new friends too. I think I don’t want to tell you about Facebook caz you know everything about that. But also we are sharing the feature that will help you in getting engagement. There are shown in below-
  • Inviting Friends
  • Making / Joining Groups
  • Commenting on others
  • Sharing 

These are most important features you can use in getting more likes. So we are talking here about these features and how to manage our page and get more likes. So following are the process to start it and make it, You can also read -

let’s go!!

â–ºBasic process for getting regular likes

Here we go for basics of Facebook page, follow this all simple steps and make it -

1. Make your Facebook page -
First think you have to be is your page on Facebook to show your visibility to your customers or visitors. Your page is your brand so make it like brand. Keep clean and awesome profile picture for that, and you need one more for cover photo. So in cover photo you should place the informative pic that shows your feature and services and make it something interesting. Then automatically when people visit or see your page they can’t go without like it. It should be interesting and attractive also.
In the about section write minimum but important bio about your business but only original data, don’t make fraud others. Make your page clean and looks like professional page or brand. Fill all the information correctly and done.
One more thing, when you done your creating page you should change your page link. Means it’s look like after making page is ‘’ , so change it to – ‘’, you must be do that.

2. Post something about your page and business -
After creating your Facebook page you should post something about your business or blog or website to tell your visitors that why you are here and what you doing from here, so before inviting your friends you should know to upload something in your page. It’s necessary because if you don’t have uploaded any kind of post and invited someone to your page to like then he could think that there is nothing here then why I join this. So keep in mind to upload unique and attractive your first post.

3. Invite your friends to like your page -
There is option to get likes that invite your friends and promote your page, so invite your friends to like your page and if it’s possible to tell him to invite their friends too, then it’ll be awesome. So try to tell him for inviting their friends too.
Send your page link to your friends to send to others, it also have chances to get likes from that person who will see this link if he will like the page.

4. Share your page link -
Sharing is caring, if you doing sharing mean’s your care about that. It’s a thought that we got any places, so share your page link with your friends and also you share this on what’s app too. Anywhere, where you are visible to people share your link with them to like it. Sharing is also useful for getting something in return. You must be to do that.

â–º How to manage or upload post?

It’s also important to get like that how your work with your page. You should post interesting and attractive posts. Try to upload pictures in your post. Images are more engage than text. Also keep in mind when you post your website link into your page write something about that and then post it. Don’t post only links into your page , try to entertain your likers by uploading some funny images and making contests and doing offers. It’ll make engage your likers and then will share your images if they like that and you will get huge likes by sharing. Be consistent in your work and post regularly but not more time in day, keep uploading posts 2 or 3 per day. Don’t try to upload more than 5 times per day, it will effect on you likes.

â–ºAdvance trick for getting huge likes per day

The above are the regular process to getting likes, here I’m showing you how to get more likes and it might be possible to get thousands of likes per day with that. Keep try your best to make likes. Following are the tricks to get likes

1. Commenting -
Like some pages whose have huge numbers of likes and talking, and it should related about your page and commenting on his post with your page link. It works 100% surely to get huge likes. Whenever they post something in his page, share your page link and tell peoples to like your page. Then you will get likes because he has huge likes and it work for you to get like.
So try to comments on all pages post to engage with you and visit you.

2. Joining Groups -
Join the groups who have huge number of members and it should be topic related your topic. Join that group and post there something attractive about your page of business. Keep your link their and tell him to join. Doesn’t matter how many groups you join, join whatever you want and try to be visible for peoples. Visibility gives you likes and likes gives you traffic. Post funny images with your link or your page name on image, it also helpful to get likes. Grouping is awesome for getting likes.

3. Install facebook like box on your website -
You must be installing the facebook like box on your website to when people visit your site they can see that box and press like button. It will gives you automatically like that count be in your facebook page directly. It’s shortcut for visitors to like your facebook page without going to your facebook account page.

4.It’s optional -
You can use facebook advertising for getting daily new likes but it need investment. So If you have serious business to build faster then i recommend to use Master Facebook Marketing in 7 days, grow leads your instantly. 
Click Here!

By doing these all tips I’m sure that you will get huge number of likes without using fraud tools available on internet. Keep trying to using these tips and get more traffic on your blog or business websites. Likes means the visitors, visitors means the traffic and traffic means the money!! If you like this article don’t forget to comments below and tells me how is it and could it helpful for you or not? Keep visiting and liking us, enjoy!!

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